Ceramic veneers are thin veneers made from ceramics. Attaching them to the frontal surface of the tooth enables an instant change in your smile.
Ceramic veneers compensate aesthetic imperfections of teeth and are good for:
Healthy teeth and gums and great oral hygiene are perquisites for placing veneers.
The process of placing veneers is permanent because in order to fix the veneer onto a tooth a thin layer of enamel has to be removed. It also important to know that veneers occasionally have to be replaced with new ones or with alternative solutions.
The advantage of veneers is that they require minimal dental filing and they do not have an undesirable effect on the gums. They also do not get stained from tea, coffee, and cigarettes.
Because of their structure, veneers reflect light just like real teeth so you will have a bright and natural smile.
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10 000 Zagreb, Croatia
mon - tue - thu 13:00 - 20:30
wed - fri 07:00 - 14:30
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